For any further questions about my kennel policies, shoot me a DM! I always love to talk about my dogs :)

How I raise my dogs

From the day they are born, all of my dogs receive complete, top-tier care.

  • Day 1: Pups are born from a carefully planned breeding. Immediately, they are vaccinated, gene tested, and receive a Puppy Raising Pamphlet for their second stat boost. I tentatively select the puppies to keep, and if that is not maxed out, the others are put up for bids.

  • Puppyhood: Dogs are bite inhibited, socialized, and noise desensitized daily. Once they are old enough, they are fed each day with a food that boosts the appropriate stat. Once they are aptitude tested, I finalize which dogs I will be keeping. On their last day of puppyhood, bids are accepted or rejected.

  • Days 6-12: As soon as pups arrive in my kennel, they are vaccinated, trained, and given items that boost the appropriate stat. They are trained in the sport that I bred their line for, and if they do not have the correct aptitude, they will be trained in the best sport for them. They are given a registered name, call name, kennel prefix, and FPBCP (if applicable).

  • Days 13-98: Dogs are cared for daily. They both train and compete each day. Competitions are chosen first by bias, then by fewest entries. The dogs switch foods, leashes, collars, etc. as soon as they reach the appropriate level. The food, leash, and collar of each dog work together to boost the dog's one main stat. I don't usually use boosters because of how expensive they are, but if I have them, I will use them. Dogs are registered in the appropriate casso as soon as they reach level 5.

  • Day 98: Females are bred for the first time.

  • Day 100: Males are locked for stud use. I don't use them for more than a few litters and I use them as soon as possible so that they can cycle with the rest of the generation.

  • Day 110: Females are bred for the second time. Males and females are both retired.

Current Projects

I am super inconsistent at working on these and they always come second to my main lines, so these are more projects that I hope to work on someday but still have a kennel dedicated to lol

  • Eurasier Speedrun Project: The goal is to see how quickly I can achieve perfect genetics, even at the cost of XPM. Perfect genetics for this project are 24HH, lala, 4stm, and Show aptitude.

  • Sport Dog Standards Project: I haven't even started this one because of how ambitious it is. The idea is that I will breed lines of dogs for each sport according to the dog breed and color in the sport's image. For example, fawn Golden Retrievers will be bred for Rally-O and chocolate and white (Irish) English Springer Spaniels will be bred for Tracking.

Dog Flipping Policies

Yes, this is a super controversial topic. The way I see it, these dogs are virtual, and therefore there is no issue with flipping unwanted dogs. It is one of the main ways I make money to support my kennel. My policies are as follows:

  • Once dogs are purchased, their collars and leashes are removed, they are groomed if they are below 60% grooming, and they are vaccinated and gene tested if needed. They are locked as soon as possible and placed into one of my [SALE] kennels.

  • I only buy non-EEEE dogs that are below 5,000 FPD and EEEE dogs that are below 10,000 FPD.

  • Non-EEEE dogs are sold for 10,000 FPD and EEEE dogs are sold for 25,000 FPD.

  • I don't buy dogs that have a request not to be flipped in their description, but I will not give back a dog once I have bought it. If you don't want your dog to be flipped, price it above 5,000 or 10,000 FPD, sell it privately, or make it clear that you do not want the dog to be flipped.

Naming Scheme

  • KK*SB: Kennel prefix. Goes on all of my bred dogs.

  • Korpus': Kennel signature. Goes on all of my dogs except diversifier and flipping dogs. This was going to be my kennel prefix until I learned that that's a different thing that you don't have to type in manually. Korpus was the name of my first FP dog ever, and he lives on in all of my dogs.

  • Registered Name: I don't have a system for this. I wrack my brain until I think of something witty. Since I don't reuse names once a dog has been retired, I am often behind on these.

  • Call Name: Again, no real system. I just choose something catchy that relates to the registered name. Even though it's difficult, I like when my dogs have full names; it makes them feel more real.

  • FPBCP: This is appended only if the dog's color is not yet in the Furry Paws Breed Color Project website. Even though that site hasn't been active for years, I am convinced that one day it will be lol. FPBCP, following a name, helps me keep track of the dogs I can submit if/when the site comes back online.

  • [breed] **DIV**: Indicates that the dog is for the diversifier achievement.